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기자, PD가 되는 가장 확실한 길! 세명대 저널리즘대학원 

본문 시작


Graduate School
of Journalism

Semyung Graduate School of Journalism, established in 2008, offers a curriculum oriented on-the-job training first time ever in Korea to enable the prospective journalists to be fully prepared before entering professional journalism. Until now, this school is the only graduate level institution dedicated to enhancing professional journalism.

Our mission is to bring up journalists with three major abilities and virtues; ▲comprehensive and executive abilities allowing the journalists to fulfill their role in any time and place in the age of digital media ▲practical understanding on the ethical principles of journalism ▲in-depth knowledge in the humanities and social sciences as well as new technologies needed to journalists.

We are proud of our faculty members, who have not only acquired academic degrees from prominent universities at home or foreign countries but also acquired many years of field experience as Korea’s representative reporters, columnists and producers in both major print and broadcasting media. This distinguishes our School from any other institution which lacks lecturers seasoned with field experience. A one-to-one basis coaching system between full-time faculty members and students helps individual students to set up a future career plan and find the ways to achieve it.

We also run 'Danbinews' , an independent non-profit news media, to allow the students to gain first-hand experience in the journalism, including investigative reporting and creating rich media content. It has been introduced as one of the three outstanding non-profit media in Korea by the journal 'Newspaper & Broadcasting' .

The Daewon Education Foundation of Semyung University provides magnanimous scholarships including free on campus accommodation to all our graduate students and many opportunities for remission of tuition fees. 

Currently, over 280 graduates are working in the media and related field including 220 working as staff reporters and producers. Based on our nationwide reputation, we have 30 competent students graduated from renowned universities both home and abroad annually. 

2022. 5. 30.