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본문 시작

교수 소개

  • 유주한 교수 사진
    유주한 (Yoo Juhan) 교수
    • 소속 IT엔지니어링대학   컴퓨터학부  
    • 연구실 첨단정보학관 3층 318호
    • 전화번호 043-649-1280
    • 이메일 unchinto@semyung.ac.kr
    • 담당과목


- 고려대학교 공학박사
- 서강대학교 공학석사
- 경희대학교 공학사


[Robot Vision]
- Object Detection
- Object Tracking
- Feature Extraction
- Feature Matching
- Image Segmentation
- Pose Estimation

[Deep Learning]

[Medical Image Processing]

[EEG(electroencephalogram) Signal Processing]


(International Journal Articles)
- Yoo, Ju-Han, and Dong-Hwan Kim. "Graph model-based lane-marking feature extraction for lane detection," Sensors, 21.13, 2021
- Ju Han Yoo, Seong-Whan Lee, Sung-Kee Park, and Dong Hwan Kim, "A Robust Lane Detection Method Based on Vanishing Point Estimation Using the Relevance of Line Segments," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS, IF 3%이내), vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 3254-3266, 2017.

(International Conference Proceedings Papers)
- Ju Han Yoo, ChangHwan Kim, and Dong Hwan Kim, "Mono-Camera Based Simultaneous Obstacle Recognition and Distance Estimation for Obstacle Avoidance of Power Transmission Lines Inspection Robot," in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS, Oral), pp. 6902-6907, Canada, 2017.
- Ju Han Yoo and Dong Hwan Kim, "A New Robotic Context-Based Object Recognition Algorithm for Humanoid Robots," in Proceedings of the 15th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), pp. 47-52, Nov. 2015.
- Ju Han Yoo, Dong Hwan Kim, and Sung-Kee Park, "A New Lane Detection Method Based on Vanishing Point Estimation with Probabilistic Voting," in Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE, Oral), pp. 204-205, Jan. 2015.
- Ju Han Yoo, Dong Hwan Kim, and Sung-Kee Park, "Categorical Object Recognition Method Robust to Scale Changes Using Depth Data from an RGB-D Sensor," in Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE, Oral), pp. 98-99, Jan. 2015.

(Domestic Journal Articles)
- Ju Han Yoo, Dong Hwan Kim, Seok Lee, and Sung-Kee Park, "A Robust Power Transmission Lines Detection Method Based on Probabilistic Estimation of Vanishing Point," Journal of Korea Robotics Society (in Korean: 한국로봇학회 논문지), vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 9-15, Mar. 2015.
- Ju Han Yoo and Moon Ryul Jung, "Color Image Segmentation by Level Set Method," Journal of Korea Computer Graphics Society (in Korean: 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회 논문지), vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 9-16, 2012.

(Domestic Conference Proceedings Papers)
- Ju Han Yoo, Jeong Ho Lee, and Dong Hwan Kim, "A Single Model-Based Object Tracking Method Robust to Scale Changes for Mobile Manipulator," in Proceedings of the 13th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC) (in Korean: 한국로봇종합학술대회), pp. 231-232, Korea, 2018.
- Ju Han Yoo and Moon Ryul Jung, "Color Image Segmentation by Level Set Method," in Proceedings of Conference on Korea Computer Graphics Society (in Korean: 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회, 우수논문상), 2009.


2018. 04 ~ 2018. 12
"Development of Robot Hand Manipulation Intelligence to Learn Methods and Procedures for Handling Various Objects with Tactile Robot Hands"
(in Korean: 촉각이 가능한 로봇 손으로 다양한 물체를 다루는 방법과 절차를 학습하는 로봇 손 지능 개발)
Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea
My Topic: Object tracking, Affordance detection.

2017. 04 ~ 2018. 12
"Development of manipulation technologies in social contexts for human-care service robots"
(in Korean: 생활 환경에서 사회성을 반영한 서비스 로봇의 물체 다루기 원천기술 개발)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea
My Topic: Object tracking, Pose estimation.

2015. 12 ~ 2018. 11
"Development of lifecare robot for demented people"
(in Korean: 치매환자 지원 라이프케어 로봇 개발)
Ministry of Science, ICT of Korea
My Topic: Object recognition, Human detection & tracking, Robot control.

2015. 07 ~ 2016. 03
"Development of prescription agriculture technology through the acquisition and analysis of crop growth characteristics data"
(in Korean: 작물 생육특성 정보 획득 및 분석을 통한 처방농업 기술 개발)
Ministry of Science, ICT of Korea
My Topic: Crop phenotype analysis.

2015. 01 ~ 2015. 12
"Socially intelligent robot technologies for aged society"
(in Korean: 고령사회를 위한 사회성보유 지능로봇 기술개발)
KIST Institutional Program
My Topic: Human detection & tracking.

2014. 09 ~ 2018. 08
"Development of Modular Manipulation System that can be Self-Reconstruction of Control and Recognition System for Robot Scalability"
(in Korean: 로봇 적용 범위 확장을 위해 3종의 조인트 모듈, 최대 7자유도의 기구부 조합에 따른 제어, 인지 시스템의 자동 구성이 가능한 모듈라 매니퓰레이션 기술 개발)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea
My Topic: Object tracking, Pose estimation.

2014. 07 ~ 2015. 03
"Development of ICT-based technology for selection and analysis of crop cultivars"
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea
(in Korean: 고품질 종자개발을 위한 ICT기반 작물품종 선발분석 기술개발)
My Topic: Crop phenotype analysis.

2014. 01 ~ 2014. 12
"A development of vision-based recognition technology about human-object interaction"
(in Korean: 사람과 사물간의 상호작용 행태 인식을 위한 기반 기술 개발)
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea
My Topic: Human tracking

2013. 06 ~ 2014. 05
"Implementation of Technologies for Identification, Behavior, and Location of Human based on Sensor Network Fusion"
(in Korean: 인식센서융합 기반 실환경하에서 임의의 사용자 30명에 대해 인식률 99%에 근접하는 사용자의 신원과 행위 및 위치 정보 인식 기술 개발)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea
My Topic: Human tracking.

2013. 01 ~ 2013. 12
"Vision-based human behavior analysis and situation awareness for surveillance"
(in Korean: 안전 보안을 위한 비전기반 사람 행태분석 및 상황인지 기술)
Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea
My Topic: Human tracking

2013. 01 ~ 2013. 12
"Biofeedback-based robot technologies for autism therapy"
(in Korean: 자폐치료를 위한 바이오피드백 기반의 로봇기술개발)
KIST Institutional Program
My Topic: Human & robot detection and tracking.

2011. 12 ~ 2014. 11
"Development of Remote Controllable Robot for High-speed and Automatic Inspection of High Voltage Live Power Transmission Lines"
(in Korean: 초고압 활선 송전선로의 고속 자동 점검을 위한 원격로봇 기술 개발)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea
My Topic: Obstacle recognition & line detection on power transmission line.

2010. 11 ~ 2013. 03
"Robust Object Recognition for Indoor Robot Navigation"
(in Korean: 로봇 실내주행용 강인한 물체 인식 기술개발, 지식경제 프론티어 기술개발사업)
: KIST and Carnegie Mellon University (Prof. Martial Hebert) Collaborative Research Program
Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea
My Topic: Object recognition.


  • 담당부서 : 컴퓨터학부
  • 담당자 : 인치호
  • 연락처 : 043-649-1272
  • 최종수정일 : 2024-10-26
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