본문 바로가기 보조메뉴바로가기 대메뉴 바로가기

본문 시작

Admission process

  1. 01. 서류제출Submission of documents
  2. 02. 입학허가Issue of Certificate of Admission
  3. 03. 비자신청Application for visa [Korean Consulate or Immigration center in Korea(Chinese)]
  4. 04. 비자발급VISA issuing
  5. 05. 입국Presentation of document
  6. 06. 입학Entrance into a school

지원서류 (Required Documents)

  • 입학지원서(Completed Application Document)
    Applicaiton Form_Korean Language Course Application Form for International Student_BA Application Documents_Graduate_MA
  • 졸업증명서 혹은 졸업예정증명서
    (Graduation Certificate of High School or Final Graduation Institution)
  • 성적증명서
    (Transcripts of High School or final graduation institution)
  • 신분증사본
    (Certificates of Citizenship of the Applicant and Parents)
    출생증명서 또는 가족관계증명서, 부모 및 본인 여권 사본 등
    (Examples: a birth certificate, a government-issued certificate indicating the parent-child relationship, a family register, or parents’ passport copies)
  • 사진 2매 (Two Passport Photos) 3.5cm×4.5cm / white background
  • 자기소개서
    (Personal Statement written in English or Korean)

  • 유학계획서 (Study Plan)
  • 한국어능력시험 자격증
    (TOPIK : Test of Proficiency in Korean)
  • 은행장고증명
    (Certificate of Bank Balance)
    More than USD18,000, Term deposit should be more than a month
  • 부모재직증명서 (Proof of employment guarantor)
  • 유학경비부담서약서 (Financial Affidavit)
  • 담당부서 : 국제교류팀
  • 담당자 : 이흥기
  • 연락처 : 043-649-1182
  • 최종수정일 : 2023-09-12
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