졸업증명서 혹은 졸업예정증명서 (Graduation Certificate of High School or Final Graduation Institution)
성적증명서 (Transcripts of High School or final graduation institution)
신분증사본 (Certificates of Citizenship of the Applicant and Parents)출생증명서 또는 가족관계증명서, 부모 및 본인 여권 사본 등 (Examples: a birth certificate, a government-issued certificate indicating the parent-child relationship, a family register, or parents’ passport copies)
사진 2매 (Two Passport Photos)3.5cm×4.5cm / white background
자기소개서 (Personal Statement written in English or Korean)
유학계획서 (Study Plan)
한국어능력시험 자격증 (TOPIK : Test of Proficiency in Korean)
은행장고증명 (Certificate of Bank Balance)More than USD18,000, Term deposit should be more than a month