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미디어문화학부 이미지

School of Korean Culture and Media

A specialized department for the cultivation of Korean language and culture talents, the Department of Media Culture combines the Media Korean Language and Culture and Teaching Korean as a Second Language majors, thereby fostering talented youth able to educate on, create, and globalize the Korean language and culture.

Professors Information
Name Kwon, Sunkeung Education Ph.D. Literature Research Areas Korean Classical Literature
Journal / Article Publications The Formation of and / Journal of Korean Classical Literature
Aspect and Reason of Classical Novel Adaptation in the Early History of Korean Movie / The Research of Korean Classical Novel
Professors Information
Name Park, Kyeong-Rae Education Ph.D. Literature Research Areas Korean dialectology, sociolinguistics
Journal / Article Publications Acceptance of a dialect in the Korean language dictionary / (The)Journal of Korean dialectology
The Cheongju Dialects appeared in the book Banchandeungsok ( <반찬등속> ) / (The )Journal of Korean dialectology
Professors Information
Name Lee, Changsik Education Ph.D. Literature Research Areas Korea classical Literature & Culture Contents
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Arirang's Heritage of Globalization and Storytelling/Comparative Korean Studies
Original Type·Prototype·Variation of Tug-of-War / Namdominsokyeongu
Professors Information
Name Koo, Jaejin Education Ph.D. Literature Research Areas Modern Korean Literature
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Lee, Ho-Cheol's Early 1960's works - Focusong on freedom and anxiety / Foreign Literature Studies
Between witness and sinner - A study on Choi In-hoon's Hans and Gretel / The Journal of Modern Korean Literature
Professors Information
Name Oh, Jihye Education Ph.D. in Education Research Areas Korean language education
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Cultural Contents for Multicultural Education - Focused on Textbooks for Preparatory Schools for Students with Immigrant Backgrounds and Multicultural Education-Oriented Schools - / Journal of the International Network for Korean Language and Culture
A Study on content system of Korean Literature textbook through literature-cultural approach - Focusing on an Analysis of HOLT - / Field Studies in Korean Language Education
Professors Information
Name Kwon, Hwasuk Education Ph.D. Literature Research Areas Korean language education & Korean grammar, Korean grammar education, history of Korean
Journal / Article Publications A Study of Measures to Teach Korean History Based on Content-based Teaching Method for Academic-purpose Korean Language Learners / KOREAN LANGUAGE & LITERATURE
A Comparative Study of Case Alterations in Worinseokbo and Beophwagyeongeonhae / Language and Linguistics
디지털콘텐츠창작학과 이미지

Department of Digital Contents Creation

The Department of Digital Content Creation creates content using various media such as literature, publications, film, and graphics, based on a foundation of anthropocentric humanities knowledge. In addition to web novel series and the annual department magazine “Tong,” which is planned and reported for by the students, more than 20 fictional/documentary film projects are produced and presented a year. Since 2014, the department has widened its breadth to include the graphic content area and is raising its potential for sensational yet high-quality communication.

Professors Information
Name Kim, Kitae Education PhD,Science of Communication Research Areas Publishing Science & Copyright
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Re-conceptualization in 'Publication' for Implementing New Paradigm / Studies of Korean Publishing Science
A Study on Copyright Protection Consciousness among College Students in Our Country / Copyright Quarterly
Professors Information
Name Kim, Jungjin Education PhD,Korean literature Research Areas Korean Modern Novel
Journal / Article Publications A study on the tone of Yum, Sangsub'a Novel / Language & Literary Research
A study on the theory of creation of Lee, Munyul / Research Korean Modern Literacy Criticism
Professors Information
Name Lim, Taewoo Education M.F.A. Media Arts Production Research Areas Film/Documentary / Media Arts Production
Journal / Article Publications Analytic study on Rhizome by Gilles Deleuze : Focusing on the film / The Korea Contents Association
The matters of choice, chance and morality in Eric Rohmer's / The Korea Contents Association
Professors Information
Name Doo, Kyungil Education PhD,Applied Art Research Areas Visual Communication Design, UI/UX Design
Journal / Article Publications Study on Optimized UX/UI Design System through Use Value Analysis on App Book / Journal of Korea Design Knowledge
A Study on Infographic for Effective Visualization of Big Data / Journal of Communication Design
국제언어문화학부 이미지

Faculty of Foreign Studies Department

Semyung University's Foreign Studies Department is comprised of students who specialize in Chinese, Japanese, or English (both British and American) language and culture. Our program trains talented people to master the communicative and practical skills needed on the global stage. We strive to help our students become Global Specialists. People who can use their language and culture education to succeed in multilingual and multicultural environments. Our department also prepares students to be Global Communicators. Professionals who work in international businesses and service industries. We also encourage our students to use their creative skills to become Global Creators and expand the reach of the Korean Wave throughout the world.

Professors Information
Name Kown, Youngtak Education Ph.D. English Literature Research Areas Modern British and American Poetry / English Romantic Poetry
Journal / Article Publications Comparison of Religious Attitudes in the Poetry of Thomas Hardy and Philip Larkin / The journal of East-West Comparative Literature
A Bird Beshorn of Wings: In Case of Philip Larkin / The Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature
Professors Information
Name Ok, Jongseok Education Ph.D Linguistics Research Areas Pragmatics & English Education
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Facilitating Student-Centered Learning in Speech Recognition Program: With Particular Reference to Talklish Bible New York Story / STEM Journal
A Study on Address Terms in American English: With Particular Reference to Addressing in FN in Along Came Polly / STEM Journal
Professors Information
Name Kang, Pyungsoon Education PhD, Literature Research Areas British & American Novels
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Gerald’s Tragic Life in Women in Love /The Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature
Moment and Eternity in “Little Gidding” /The Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature
Professors Information
Name Won, Yookyeong Education Ph.D. English Literature Research Areas British & American Novels, Children's Literature
Journal / Article Publications Kiran Desai's The Inheritance of Loss: A Critical Reflection on Globalization / Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature
The Family in Children’s Literature and Its Disintegration / Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature
Professors Information
Name Kim, Kisoo Education PhD, Literature Research Areas Cognitive linguistics (metaphor)
Journal / Article Publications An Analysis of Metonymy in Cognitive Grammar / The Journal of English Language & Literature
A Cognitive Study on Metaphorical Expressions for Life and Death in Korean / Korean Journal of Linguistics
Professors Information
Name Kim, Sanghyun Education Ph.D. English Literature Research Areas British & American Drama / Shakespeare
Journal / Article Publications Political Psychology in Julius Caesar / Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature
Shakespeare's Idea of the Populace in Henry VI Trilogy / Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature
Professors Information
Name Jeong, Weondon Education PhD, Linguistics Research Areas Morphology
Journal / Article Publications Formation of Clitics / Studies in Linguistics
Argument Structure in Minimalist Program / Studies in Linguistics
Professors Information
Name Sul, Taesoo Education PhD, Literature Research Areas Comparative Study on English Poetry & Buddhism
Journal / Article Publications Robert Frost's Meditative Poetry from the Buddhistic View / The Jungang Journal of English Language and Literature
Zen in W. S. Merwin’s Poetry / The Journal of East-West Comparative Literature
Professors Information
Name Lee,Kiseob Education PhD,Japanese Literature Research Areas Japanese Modern Literature
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Published Background of ‘Maihime’, Moriogai / Journal of Japanese Language and Literature,Japanology
A Study of Comparison in Moriogai's ‘Maihime’and ‘Fumizukai’ / Journal of Japanese Language and Literature,Japanology
Professors Information
Name Kim, Pildong Education Doctor of Philosophy Research Areas Japanese Thought & Culture
Journal / Article Publications Recognition of "Japanese culture" of Imperial Japan / The Korean Journal of Japanology
Trends in Japan`s Cultural Diplomacy / The Korean Journal of Japanology
Professors Information
Name Kim, jungmi Education Ph D Literature Research Areas Japanese Literature
Journal / Article Publications The Devices of Conciliation in the Collaborative Novel Things That Come After Love
The Story Telling Systems in by Sakaguchi Ango
Professors Information
Name Kwon, Yonsoo Education PhD in Literature Research Areas Japanese literature
Journal / Article Publications A Study of Korean translation for "Tale of Genji" / The Journal of Korean Association of Modern Japanology
A study on the possibility of application of interpreting training method for foreign language education / Grobal Institute for Japanese Studies
Professors Information
Name Lee, Kughee Education PhD, Chinese Literature Research Areas Chinese Poetry
Journal / Article Publications A Study of ‘Nostslgia for Xiangguan’ in Yu Xin’Nilianzhu / Journal of Chinese Language and Literiture
A Study on the Thought Sence of Moral Integrity of Yu Xin’s Work / Journal of Chinese Language and Literiture
Professors Information
Name Lee, Moonhyuk Education PhD, Chinese Literature Research Areas Chinese Literature Criticism
Journal / Article Publications Jin Shengtan’s Critical Theory on the Drama Characters in XI XIANGJI / JILIN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL SOCIAL SCIENCES EDITION
A Study of Prosaic Theory in Jin Sheng-tan’s << CAI ZI BI DU GU WEN>> / THE JOURNAL OF SINOLOGY
Professors Information
Name Hwang, Yeonghi Education PhD,Chinese Literature Research Areas Chinese Classical Literature
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Liu Ru shi's Life and Poetry / The CHUNG KUK MUN HAK Journal of Chinese Literature
A Study on Printed Versions of 󰡔QingLouYunYu󰡕 / The Comparative Study of World Literature
Professors Information
Name Moon, Kwansoo Education PhD, Chinese Literature Research Areas Chinese Poetry & Education of Chinese Character
Journal / Article Publications A study on Fan cheng-da`s trend composition of poems in 《A collection of travels west》/ Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature
A Study on the Classification of the Misinterpretations about Chinese Bronze Characters / SEMYUNG UNIVERSITY REGIONAL CULTURE INSTITUTE
Professors Information
Name Kim, Myeongsun Education PhD, Literature Research Areas Chinese Teaching & Translation
Journal / Article Publications A study on the leveled teaching for practical Chinese education through interpretation and translation / Foreign Languages Education
A study on the comparative approach in teaching Chinese proverbs to Korean learners / Foreign Languages Education
Professors Information
Name Choi, Yong Education master Research Areas Chinese Grammar & Chinese Language Education
Journal / Article Publications The role of sport regarding Korean diplomay and the relations between North and South Korea
융합디자인학부 이미지

School of Design

The School of Convergent Design aims to foster designers with “professionalism” and “integrated problem-solving skills” required by today’s rapidly-changing design industry.
To that end, the Department has established and manages three major tracks of Industrial Visual Design, Spatial Environment Design, and Fashion Culture Design.

Professors Information
Name Kim, Heungseob Education PhD, Architectural Engineering Research Areas Architectural Design & Interior Design
Journal / Article Publications A study on the Architectural Characteristics of Museum on Consideration of Culture experience activity on the regional youth - focused on 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa - / Korea Institute of Youth Facility & Environment
A study of current situation and spacial character of the pasce composition for Youth facilities in Gangwon area / Korea Institute of Youth Facility & Environment
Professors Information
Name Choi, Youngsik Education M.A, Engineering Research Areas Interior Design
Journal / Article Publications Developmental Direction of Client-Centered Space Configuration for Workplace Nurserise/ JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF CULTURE ARCHITECTURE
The study on the space Composition of National / Public Child Care Center / JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF CULTURE ARCHITECTURE
Professors Information
Name Jung, Yonghae Education M.S, Interior Design Research Areas Interior Design & Digital Design & Exhibition Design
Journal / Article Publications A study on the preference of Urban Regeneration Factor through collective memory/ Convergence Research Letter
A study on Kineticism found in interactive exhibition space/ Journal of Korean society of Exhibition Design studies
Professors Information
Name Park, Kyungseo Education Master in Architectural Design Research Areas Interior Design & Architectural Design & Regional Planning
Journal / Article Publications Evaluation of Privately owned public spaces within detached housing areas in Pangyo city / Korea Society of Civil Engineers
A study on the architectural characteristics of museum on consideration of culture experience activity on the regional youth/ Korea Institute of Youth Facility & Environment
Professors Information
Name Toh Hwayong Education Research Areas Production Design / transportation design / environmental design
Journal / Article Publications Design of Underwater Respiratory Aids
A Study on the Design of Instrument and its Transition Process
Professors Information
Name Jang, Bumsoon Education MA, Visual Design Research Areas Visual Design & Illustration
Journal / Article Publications Art Therapy Through Modern Art: A Case Study / The Korean Society Of Illustration Research
Professors Information
Name Mun, Keumhi Education Master of Fine Arts Research Areas Production Design / transportation design / environmental design / Design Philosophy
Journal / Article Publications Analysis of Alkaloid Components and Essential Oils in the Jasmine Tea and Insecticidal Effects of Ethanolic Extracts of Jasmine Tea on / SERSS, IJBSBT
A Study on the Guideline for the Cultural Goods Design Based on the Characters of the Twelve Horary Signs of Gods / Korea Contents Association
Professors Information
Name Moon,Jaeho Education Research Areas Gestaltung / PSS(Product-Service System)Design / Inderstrial-Environment Design
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Relationship between Formative Change Factors of Furniture by the Arrival of Eco-friendly Design Paradigm / Korea Science and Technology Forum
Sustainable Design Consideration Factors through Analysis of Energy Saving Diffusion with Service Design / Journal of the Korea Society of Design Culture
Professors Information
Name Cho, Kakhyun Education MA, Industrial Design Research Areas Advertising Design
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Module Learning Method in Advertising Design Curriculum / Journal of korean society of design science
A Study on the Rhetoric of the Application of Advertisements Awarded in Design Contests / Journal of Communication Design
Professors Information
Name Hong, Ilyang Education MA, Communication Arts Research Areas Animation & Multimedia
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Efficient Improvement of the Animatics for Animation Production in Education / Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
A Study on the Social Acceptance of Kitsch in Animation / KSBDA&UB International Conference
Professors Information
Name An Kangbeom Education Research Areas Products and 2D and 3D graphic design
Journal / Article Publications Design Marketing Strategy and the Effect of Advertising on Corporate Image
A Study on the Design and Operation of Youth Training Facility of Local Government
Professors Information
Name Kwon, Yunkyoung Education Master of Engineering Research Areas Visual Communication Design
Journal / Article Publications The Analysis on the Status of the Hospital Sign design for the Aged Patients / Journal of Korea Design Forum
A Study on Branding Strategy of the EXPO / Journal of Korea Design Forum
Professors Information
Name Shin HiIn Education Research Areas Product design / small and medium business product design / identity design / electrical and electronic product design / video and audio equipment design
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Service Design Methodology Application of Design Firms / The Korea Society for the Promotion of Design Culture
A study on the successful design marketing strategy of the manufacturing companies(Concentrated on the common factors with the case study of companies)
Professors Information
Name Shin, Hee-kyoung Education Doctor of Art Research Areas Design
Journal / Article Publications Study on the science of design’s developing process and present staus in the korean design society / Journal of Basic Design & Art
A study on Haptic as a design strategy / Journal of Basic Design & Art
Professors Information
Name Lim,Kyungbock Education Doctor of Literature, Department of Clothing Research Areas Consumer Behavior Analysis, Fashion Industry and Brand Research
Journal / Article Publications he Effects of Vanity on Appearance Management Behavior and Fashion Trends, Focusing on the Male Consumers in the 20s and 50s / Journal of Korean Fashion Design
The Effect of New Self-Efficacy and Appearance Attitudes on Appearance Management Behavior and Clothing Buying Behavior of New Silver Generation / Journal of Korean Society of Costume Design
Professors Information
Name Lim, Hyunsuk Education Research Areas
Journal / Article Publications Visual semiotic analysis of domestic outdoor brand symbol mark / Journal of the Korea Society for Design Culture
Ethical design case study for corporate social contribution (CRS) / Journal of the Korea Society for Design Culture
Professors Information
Name Jung, Jinsoun Education Doctor of Home Economics Research Areas Functionality of natural dyeing and natural salt materials, function of fashion material, development of fashion material, textile design
Journal / Article Publications Insecticidal effect of house dust mite extract on the house dust mite, Korea Textile Engineering Journal
Studies on the production of cloth-wrapping cloths using natural dyeing, Design Research
공연영상학과 이미지

Department of Performing Arts and Moving Image

The objective of the Department of Performing Arts and Media Art is to cultivate talents with creative artistic spirit, proactive self-sufficiency, and liberal intelligence. By shaping students’ characters with theory and practice to become those of future artists and nurturing their potential, the Department cultivates artistic talents prepared to appear in plays and musicals, presenting them to various spheres of the arts and equipping them with the ability to carry out the roles of performing arts professionals to the fullest.

Professors Information
Name Choi, Jonghan Education MFA Research Areas Experimental Film & Video
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Distinct Characteristic of Contemporary Korean Experimental Film Production / Moving Image Techonology Association of KOREA
The Aesthetics and Ideology of the experimental film's time structure / The Korean Society Of Media & Arts
Professors Information
Name Lee, Jeongha Education Theater - Master for art Research Areas Theatrical performance / Theatrical production / Russian Realism Acting / Theater production
Journal / Article Publications Case Study on the Process of Directing a Play, by Anton Chekhov Using On-stage Application of Etude / Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
Case Study of Performing Arts Festival Activation Focusing on Suzuki Tadashi’s ‘2015 Toga Asian Directors’ Festival’ / Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
Professors Information
Name Ryu, Jaehoon Education MFA, Film Making Research Areas Cinematography
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Difference of the Production System and Working Condition through Joint-Korea-China Film - with focusing on cinematographer - / Moving Image Technology Association of Korea
Extended Spatiality and Storytelling of the Film by Using a Tracking Shot / Moving Image Technology Association of Korea
Professors Information
Name Son, Bonghee Education PhD,Performance Practice Research Areas Psycho-physical Acting / Training, a Performer's Presence
Journal / Article Publications The Role of 'Action' for the Intensity of a Performer's 'Spontaneity' / Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association
Acting : Towards the Aesthetic of 'Doing Nothing' / Journal of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association