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No.1 for Student Experience Semyung Univ.

본문 시작

Courses Contents

Course Contents

스크롤 표시 이미지
Course Contents
Course Contents
  • Course Contents
  • Learning Korean characters, phonetic scheme and syllable Structure
  • Learning basic skills needed for everyday life including : Introducing themselves, buying things, ordering food, etc.
  • Acquiring vocabulary needed to perform everyday tasks such as general phenomena of society, as well as using public facilities
  • Learning basic words and configuration, basic sentence structures that are essential in everyday life
  • Learning essential links words, word endings , passive form, sentences, causative form sentences, and indirect speech grammar
  • Learning to preview materials concerning politics, the economy, society, and culture and learn relatively easy literature
  • Write a treatise after researching reference materials and finding information about a topic
  • Preparing to enter University or graduate school, and getting a job, setting a native speaker proficiency goal, acquiring the ability to study not only cultural subjects but also academic classes.