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No.1 for Student Experience Semyung Univ.

본문 시작

Exchange students Program

Exchange Student Program(Sister university exchange student program)

Study with foreign friends in classrooms at sister universities!!
It is a program for overseas sister universities to dispatch for up to 2 semesters in the first semester and to study with foreign friends at overseas universities


  • Students who have been enrolled for more than 4 semesters
  • Students who received a 3.0 GPA in the previous academic year
  • Students who have the language skills required by the sister university

Selection method

  • 1st document screening
  • 2nd oral interview

Universities dispatched to date

  • Japan: Kyoto Gakuen University, OSAKA YMCA International School
  • China: Changchun University, Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Dalian University, Mudanjiang Normal University, Hebei University of Science and Technology
  • Malaysia: Universiti Kuala Lumpur
  • Philippines: Enderun College
  • Russia: East Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts