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School of Police Administration

School of Police Administration

The foundation of studies that explore the importance and distinct characteristics of the basics of human communal life — administration, policy, and police duties — this Department consists of the Public Administration and Police Administration majors.

Professors Information
Name Jo,Sungho Education PhD, Police Science Research Areas Police Ethics
Journal / Article Publications The Effect of Stressors on Job Burnout and Job Satisfaction Among Police
The Moderated Mediation Effect of Personality Traits
Professors Information
Name Park, Seongsu Education PhD, Criminology Research Areas Police Administration & Criminology
Journal / Article Publications Study on drug management and drug harm index (DHI) in advanced foreign / Korean Association of Addiction Crime Review
A study on the efficiency measures of private security education / Korean Police Studies Review
Professors Information
Name Kim, Hakbum Education Ph.D, Dongguk Univ., Police Science Research Areas Police Science, Science of Law, Criminology
Journal / Article Publications A Study on CPTED Elements in Urban Regeneration Areas / Korean Police Studies Review
A Study on the Relevance of Criminal History Inquiries of Public Institutions for Providing Social Services / Korea Juvenile Protection Review
Professors Information
Name Choi, Keenam Education PhD, Protection and Security Administration Research Areas Security and Terrorism
Journal / Article Publications Control Center's Unification Plans to Raise CCTV Visual Data use for Crime Prevention
Study on Preventing Retaliation against Crime Victims
Professors Information
Name Kim, Woojun Education PhD, Criminology Research Areas Criminology & Police Science
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Change of Drug Policies / Korean Association of Addiction Crime
A Study on the Improvement Plan for the Polygraph Test of Police Agencies / Journal of Korean Public Police and Security Studies
Professors Information
Name Park, Youngsoo Education PhD, Public Administration Research Areas The Criminal procedure Code[Law],insurance crime, elder abuse, a police investigation
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Strategies for Reducing Insurance Crime
Awareness of narcotics addiction issues and policy-making research for prevention of diffusion
Professors Information
Name Oh, Seiyouen Education PhD, Criminology Research Areas Police Administration / IT Convergency / Criminology
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Crime Prevention of Dating Violence Based on IOT / Journal of Advanced in Dynamical and Control System
A study on the Improvement of Digital Forensic Utilization of Cyber Crime / International Journal of Police and police
Professors Information
Name Park, Gilyong Education Ph. D in Public Administration Research Areas Local Governance & Environmental Policy
Journal / Article Publications Environmental Problems and Healing Happiness: Eco-philosophical Approach / Sogang Journal of Philosophy
Eine Studie zur Stadtplannung einer Ecocity- Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Korea / Koreanisch-Duetsche Gesellschaft fuer Sozialwissenschaften
Professors Information
Name Ko, Sookhee Education PhD, Public Administration Research Areas Personnel Administration & Organizational Theory
Journal / Article Publications A study on the approach of multicultural culture in Korea / Korean Society and Pulblic Administration
The New Attempts of Public Personnel Administration in South Korea / Professional Cicil Servant System
Professors Information
Name So, Jaeshuck Education PhD, Urban Affairs and Public Ploicy Research Areas Public Policy
Journal / Article Publications Evaluating the Persistence Of Residential Water Conservation; A 1992-97 Panel Study of A Water Utility in Delaware / Journal American Water Work Association
Water; Global Common and Global Problems / Science Publishers
Professors Information
Name Son, Hojung Education PhD, Public Administration Research Areas Policy Analysis Social Capital (Trust in Government)
Journal / Article Publications Analysis on Focus Influence Trust in Local Government / Korea Local Government Review
The relationship between transformational leadership, transactional leadership and job stress: Comparison of high-stress groups and the general groups in public bodies / Korea Public Administration Review
법학과 이미지

Department of Law

This Department is specialized into two majors: Public Law for those who aim to work in public office (police, government work, etc.) and Professional Law for those who aim to pursue professional careers with certifications, corporate positions, or entrepreneurship. Through the convergence of the Public Law and Professional Law majors, the Department responds proactively to the diversity in the legal field, while increasing the number of and improving the quality of jobs in the public and professional sectors.

Professors Information
Name Lee, Donghoon Education Doctor of Laws Research Areas Constitutional science
Journal / Article Publications The Constitutional Interpretation on Regall / Local Government Law Journal
The Constitutional Meaning of A Candlelight Assembly in Social Media Society / Public Law Journal
Professors Information
Name Kwon, Youngae Education Dr.iur Research Areas Commercial Law
Journal / Article Publications Boersennotierte Aktiengesellschaft und Corporate Governance / Yonsei Law Review
Die Grunendung einer SE und das leitungssystem / Business Law Review
Professors Information
Name Nam, Seonmo Education Ph.D. in Law Research Areas Criminal Law & Procedure / Criminal policy & criminology / military Criminal Law
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the system improvement of the Brig institution of the military : on the abolition of brig Institution
An effective measures for Prevention of the spread of Drugs and crime
Professors Information
Name Lee, Keunyoung Education Ph.D. in Law Research Areas Civil Law
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the provisions of a termination ofn a trust under the "Drat Common Frame of Refrence(DCFR) / HUFS Law Review"
A Study on a Transfer of a Beneficial Interest / Comparative Law
Professors Information
Name JANG, Seongwon Education Ph.D. in Law Research Areas Criminal Law & Procedure
Journal / Article Publications Distinction between "reversal Mistake of Fact" and "reversal Mistake of Law"/ Korean Journal of Criminology
Individual guilt and collective guilt in the joint penal provisions -A critical review on the corporate criminal liability in terms of the responsibility principle- / Korean Journal of Criminology
Professors Information
Name Rho, Chulwoo Education Dr.iur Research Areas Commercial Law
Journal / Article Publications A study on the Improvement Plan for the Independence of Central Bank / The Korean Journal of Financial Law
Financial Consumer Protection Law of Korea / The Korean Journal of Financial Law
부동산학과 이미지

Department of Real Estate

In the process of industrialization and urbanization, real estate problems derived from the possession, use, and development of real estate are resolved through theoretical and empirical research and learning from a comprehensive and systematic viewpoint using knowledge of law, economy, management, finance, and technology. The Department teaches practical skills.

Professors Information
Name Kim, Haengjong Education Ph D. Public Administration Research Areas Land & Real Estate Management
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Policy for Enhancement of the Land Supply and Demand, Korea Journal of Cadastre / The Korean Society of Cadastre
A Study on the Current Status Analysis and further development of the Cadastral Resurvey Projects, Korea Journal of Cadastre / The Korean Society of Cadastre
Professors Information
Name Kwon, Keewook Education PhD,Civil Engineering Research Areas Cadastral Survey & Geo-spatial Information System
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Framing Plan of Boundary Point Record Book based on Parcel Boundary Point / Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Catography
Study on Predictive Traffic Information Using Cloud Route Search / Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Catography
Professors Information
Name Baik, Minseok Education PhD,Real Estate Research Areas Real Estate Management
Journal / Article Publications Prestigious Real Estate Measurement / INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal
Types and Housing Product changes according to changes in Population and Social Structure / Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Professors Information
Name Kim, Sangjin Education PhD,Law Research Areas real estate & law
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Surrender of Real Estate and Rental Claims in U.S. Property Law / Korea Real Estate Review
The Legal Research on the Concept and Actual Situation of Urban Villages in UK / Koreanlaw Review
Professors Information
Name Keum, Sangsu Education PhD, Real Estate Research Areas Real Estate Management & Develpoment
Journal / Article Publications A Study on the Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Fund in Korea / INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal
Does Capital Structure Change the Value of Real Estate / INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal
소방방재학과 이미지

Department of Fire and Disaster Prevention

  • Toughness - We train firemen who are strong and compassionate.
  • Creativity - Training firefighters to pursue continuous business innovation.
  • Practical specialist - We train firefighters who lead policy planning (social studies) and technology development (science and engineering).
Professors Information
Name Yoon Yong Kyun Education Ph.D, Rock Mechanics Research Areas Fire & Evacuation Simulation / Tunnel Design, Disaster Management
Journal / Article Publications Evaluation of Peak Overpressure and Impulse Induced by explosion, Explosives & Blasting
Analysis of Fire Scenarios and Evaluation of Risks that might occur in Operation Stage of CAES Storage Cavern, Tunnl and Underground Space
Professors Information
Name Kim Junkyoung Education Ph.D Research Areas Geoscience
Journal / Article Publications Seismological Science & Engineering
Amplification characteristics of seismic observation sites from S-wave energy, coda waves and background noise from the Fukuoka earthquake series
Professors Information
Name Jeong Keesin Education Ph.D, Chemical and biological Engineering Research Areas Fire Protection
Journal / Article Publications Spray Characteristics of Im-Rack Sprinkler Heads / Fire Science Engineering
Uniform Hazard Spectrum for Seismic Design of Fire Protection Facilities / Fire Science Engineering
글로벌경영학부 이미지

School of Global Management

Due to globalization trends and the rapidly changing corporate environment, companies need professional workers who can cope with various real-world problems effectively. Therefore, in order to combine academic theory and practical experience that can lead the global era, this department aims to cultivate the professional labor power needed by the enterprise through a rational curriculum and education method in each municipality, as a basic goal.

Professors Information
Name Park, Youngbae Education ph.D, Business Administration Research Areas Human Resource Management & Organization Theory
Journal / Article Publications he Effect of Work Values and Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction of the Employees / Korean Management Review
A Study on the Effect of the Learning Orientation on the Organizational Performance and the Moderating Effect of Contingent Variables / The Korean Personnel Admlnistration Journal
Professors Information
Name Song, Joongi Education PhD, Economics Research Areas Industrial & Financial Economics
Journal / Article Publications The Effects of Family Ownership and Management on Agency Cost / Journal of Busiess Research
The Effects of Family Ownership and Management on Company Performance / Journal of CEO and Management Studies
Professors Information
Name Kim, Hoon Education Ph.d in Marketing Research Areas Marketing Strategy, Cross-Cultural Study, International Marketing(COO), Marketing Case Writing, City Marketing
Journal / Article Publications A Comparative Study on Lifestyle of Chinese Consumers among Ethnic group: focusing on 5 ethnic groups / Journal of Marketing Management
The Influence of Marketing Capabilities from Knowledge Creation Perspective and the Moderating Effect of Strategic Orientation on Firm’s Performance / INFORMS Marketing Science Conference
Professors Information
Name Kim, Taemyeong Education PhD,Economic Research Areas International Business
Journal / Article Publications The historical perspective and semiotics Approach to Export Control System of Strategic Items
Research on Measures for Establishment of Compliance Officer System in Korea / Journal of CEO and Management Studies
Professors Information
Name Kwon, Ohsung Education PhD,Business Administration Research Areas International Trade & insurance
Journal / Article Publications An Analysis on the Performance of Product Liability Risk Management in IT Firms / Journal of International Trade and Insurance
An Analysis on the Relationship between Management Characteristics and Financial Performance in Resource-dependency Logistics Management / Journal of International Trade & Commerce
Professors Information
Name Lee, Jiseok Education PhD,International Economy Research Areas International Economy & International Trade
Journal / Article Publications Comparative Study of Subcultural Differences in China and India / The Journal of International Trade & Commerce
Technology affect Culture and Implications for International Management / Journal of Korea Research Association of International Commerce
Professors Information
Name Yin, Zhenji Education Ph.D. Business Administration Research Areas International Business, China Marketing
Journal / Article Publications A Study on direct investment determinants of korean manufacturing companies in China after unifying an income-tax system of chinese companies / Journal of International Trade & Commerce
A Study on the Impact of Korean Manufacturers' Public Announcements of FDI in China on Stockholder Wealth / The Journal of Graduate School Research Paper
Professors Information
Name Oh, Moonkap Education PhD,Economic Research Areas Customs Law
Journal / Article Publications An Empirical Study on Success Factor of Third-Party Logistics Companies in China: Focus on shandong / The Korean Academy for Trade Credit Insurance
Critical Success Factor For Affecting Formation of Partnership between Shipper and Third-Party Logistics Providers in China / Korea Logistics Research Association
Professors Information
Name Lee, Hyeongkwon Education PhD,in Business and Administration Research Areas Cost and Management Accounting
Journal / Article Publications The Effect of Core Self-Evaluations on Work-Family Enrichment and Organizational Commitment among Hotel Employees
Misunderstanding and Truth of Moderation, Moderated Mediation and Mediated Modereation
Professors Information
Name Yoo, Seungeok Education PhD,Management(Management Accounting) Research Areas Strategic Performance Measurement System / Activity-Based Costing(Management)
Journal / Article Publications The Association between Non-financial Measures, Psychological Empowerment and Job Satisfaction/ Korea International Accounting Review
The Effect of Person-Organization Fit and Emotional Exhaustion on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Turnover Intention among Hotel Employees: Mediation Effect of Job Satisfaction / International Journal of Tourism Management and Science
Professors Information
Name Kwak, Jiyoung Education PhD,Business Administration Research Areas Financial Accounting, Tax Accounting, Disclosure, Corporate Governance, CSR
Journal / Article Publications The Revenue Contribution of Meals & Entertainment Expenditure of Tax-Excessive Consumptions concerning Internal Revenue Transactions / Korean Journal of Taxation Research
Innovative Activities and KPI Impact on the KOSDAQ IT Firm Value - Accounting Perspective / Indian Journal of Science & Technology
호텔관광경영학과 이미지

Department of Hotel and Tourism Management

The Department of Hotel and Tourism Management provides students with opportunities in various fields of study, and specialized and substantial education for the aptitude and ability through the foreign language and graduation certification system. We are constantly looking for innovation and change with the program. In addition, we are striving to cultivate talented people who can meet the demands of the rapidly changing education environment and the tourism industry in general, and to establish and academic and practical policies that link Korean tourism with global tourism. This department plays the role of a creative education institute in order to foster such talented people.

Professors Information
Name Ha, Kyounghee Education Ph.D. Business Administration Research Areas Tourism & Hotel Management
Journal / Article Publications Effect of Tourist Motivation of Beauty Expo on Satisfaction / Tourism Research
Strategy for Korean-Wave Tourism with SNS Marketing : Focused on Chinese Tourists / Korean Journal of Hospitality & Tourism
Professors Information
Name Lee, Sangmi Education Doctor of Business Administration Research Areas Hotel & Foodservice Marketing
Journal / Article Publications Effects of Korean Wave on the Attitude and Recognition of Korea Foods with Chinese Tourists / Foodservice Industry Journal
Effects Choice Variables on the Recognized Value and Satisfaction for Medicinal Foods / J. of Foodservice Management of Society of Korea
Professors Information
Name Lee, Kwanpyo Education PhD,Business Administration Research Areas Hotel & Tourism Management
Journal / Article Publications The Effects of Fair-tourism’Perceptions on Buying Intention and Willingness to Pay Premium Price / The Korea Academic Society of Tourism and Leisure
A Study on the Motivation and Satisfaction of Walking Tourism / The Korea Academic Society of Tourism and Leisure
Professors Information
Name Lee, Sangwoo Education PhD,Business Administration Research Areas Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior
Journal / Article Publications The effect of indirect compensation on psychological ownership and knowledge sharing behavior in hotel employees / Jounal of Hospitality & Tourism Studies
The effect of emotional leadership on organizational identification and organizational citizenship behavior perceive by hotel employees / Tourism Research
Professors Information
Name Chung, Hyunyoung Education Phd.Business Adminstration Research Areas Hotel & Foodservice Marketing
Journal / Article Publications Assimilation and Contrast Effects on Service Products / Korean Tourism & Leisure Journal
Involvement and situational factors on evaluation of service encounter and consumers’ service attitude/Korean Tourism & Leisure Journal
Professors Information
Name Choi, sangsu Education PhD,Business Administration Research Areas Hotel & Tourism Development Plan, Event Management
Journal / Article Publications Importance-Performance Analysis of Attractiveness Assessment for Festival: A Case of Sobaeksan Royal Azalea Festival / Indian Journal of Science and Technology
On the Validity of the "Importance Minus Performance" Construct-A Genuine Contribution of the Tourism Literature or a Mishap? / Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing
Professors Information
Name Choi, Hae-Soo Education PhD,Business Administration Research Areas Hotel management
Journal / Article Publications Effect of late organisational fairness on the co-operation and job satisfaction of hotel employees: Adjusted mediation of job policies / Tourism Research 33(8)
The Effects of Internal Marketing on Emotional Labor and Job Passions: Controlled Mediation of Ethical Leadership Behavior / Tourism Research 33(6)
Professors Information
Name Lee, Seung-Byum Education Cooked food Management PhD.completion Research Areas baker & cafe menu
Journal / Article Publications Based on healthy medicinal herbs, the classes are designed to find medicinal herbs or healthy raw materials and apply them to bakery products so that various products can be developed and produced locally. / Fooding theory and practice
In order to operate the kind of coffee beans and bakery menus that are operated in cafes, it is possible to produce creative products and products that match each other through theoretical and practical use of various products. Cafe & Barista.16
항공서비스학과 이미지

Department of Airline Service Management

To cultivate the best flight crew in Korea, we have established a practical and systematic education program. To do this, we are providing cutting-edge facilities for in-flight service and safety training. In addition, for the sake of foreign language and international sensibility, the department operates a carrier pass system for career guidance from the beginning of admission. It also acquires 20 kinds of certificates such as Topas, as well as 1:1 map by mentoring system, the best hands-on training.

Professors Information
Name Cho, Moonsik Education PhD, Tourism Research Areas Interpersonal Communication
Journal / Article Publications A Study on Hotel Incentive System in Korea
The effects of emotional intelligence of leader on creativity and job satisfaction of hotel employee
Professors Information
Name Choi, Seungkuk Education Ph.D, Tourism Management Research Areas Tourism Development, Agricultural Tourism, Tourism Policy
Journal / Article Publications Visitor's satisfaction about Cultural Tourism Festival / Journal of Korea Contents Association
Exploring the competitive power of korean tourism industry in the northeast Asia / Journal of Korea Tourism Policy
Professors Information
Name Lee, Minjung Education PhD, Tourism Research Areas Airline Service Marketing
Journal / Article Publications The effect of emotional response with selection factors on behavioral intentions in the airline industry: From the perspective of expectancy-disconfirmation theory / International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
The influence of corporate social responsibility on customer-company identification and customer loyalty in the airline industry / International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research
광고홍보학과 이미지

Department of Advertising and Public Relations

This Department fosters specialists who carry out strategy and execution in advertising, PR, and digital marketing. To do this, we provide theory and practical training on planning and creativity. The department tries to apply the knowledge learned in the classroom in various ways such as through the annual companion classes, advertisement camp and the advertisement exhibition, and publication of the webzine and the Wilko Journal. Through the activities of 7 clubs, we enjoy a happy college life and actively prepare for employment after graduation.

Professors Information
Name Seo, Beomseok Education Ph.D. Research Areas Advertising History/ Advertising Strategy
Journal / Article Publications A Comparative study on the broadcast advertising system between Korea and China : Focused on the distribution system in broadcast advertising / Korea Advertising Society
A study on Economic Democratization of Advertising policy: focusing conglomerate-affiliated advertising agency / Korea Political communication Association
Professors Information
Name Chung Yeonwoo Education PHD. Political Science Research Areas Media Policy and Institution
Journal / Article Publications A Review on How to Perform the Constitutional Value in Receiving Fee System of Public Broadcasting / Journalism & Communication
Challenges and Prospects of the Citizen Media Movement in the Lee-Park Regime / Korean Journal of Communication & Information
Professors Information
Name Kim Sunghoon Education PHD. Political science Research Areas Advertising & public Relations
Journal / Article Publications A study of relationship between disclosure, intensive reading familiarity and credibility of outdoor advertising / Journal of Outdoor Advertising Research
the study on the relevancy between outdoor signboards and landscape and the recognition of the responsibility / Journal of Outdoor Advertising Research
Professors Information
Name Chun Hyunsook Education PHD. Advertising and PR Research Areas
Journal / Article Publications The image and language of elderly through print advertisement / Advertising Research
The image of senior through TV advertisements Korea / Korean Linguistics
Professors Information
Name Moon, Hyojin Education Ph.D, Communication Research Areas Advertising & Public Relations / Journal Article Publications
Journal / Article Publications The Exploratory Study of the Index for Nation Brand Reputation
The Study on the Relationship between National Identity, and National Reputation : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Identification
Department of Social Welfare

Department of Social Welfare

To resolve the various social problems of the industrial society and fulfill the desires of society’s members, we built a welfare state and invested tremendously in finances and the workforce. Now, in the 21st century, higher-order, individualized social problems will emerge so we must be able to respond to the diversified needs of residents. The Department of Social Welfare is a department that teaches and helps students experience the methods and theories of assistance, counseling, and support to solve these social and livelihood problems of residents

Professors Information
Name Park, Kwangduck Education Ph.D, Social Welfare / Ph.D, Public Administration Research Areas Social Welfare Policy and Policy Evaluation
Journal / Article Publications An Analyis on Public Private relationship in the System of Social Welfare Service Povisions / Korean Public Administration Review
A Study on the Public Health Insurance Reform between Korea and Japan -focused on New Institutionalism / Korean Comparative Government Review
Professors Information
Name Yoo, Yong-Shik Education PhD, Social Welfare Research Areas Elderly welfare and community welfare
Journal / Article Publications A Phenomenological Study on the Good Death Recognized by the Bereaved Elderly / Journal of Community Welfare
The Effects of Participation in Social Activity on Life Satisfaction in Low-income Aged People Living Alone: Focusing on the mediating effects of loneliness / Korean Journal of Gerontological Social Welfare
Professors Information
Name Park, Soyoung Education PhD,Social Welfare Research Areas Family Welfare & Family Therapy
Journal / Article Publications Men's role between mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law relationship / Korean Journal of Family Social Work
The experience of sons-in-law`s relationship with mothers-in-law: a grounded theory approach / Korean Family Relation
Professors Information
Name Kwon, Jayoung Education PhD, Literature Research Areas Mental Health Social Work
Journal / Article Publications Development and Validation Study of the Korean Version of Working Relationship Scale / Korea Journal of Social Welfare
A Study of the Effects of using an Eco-Friendly Cat Robot to Treat Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder / Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Department of Business Administration

Department of Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration (DBA) originated from a business administration program in March 1991. Currently Business Administration consists of capability faculties, competent students. Our students all share the characteristics of a habit of self-leadership, analytical competency, and engaged community citizenship.Through theoretical foundation, problem based learning, ICT exercises, hands on learning, our curriculum challenges you to learn, do and become a better leader.

Professors Information
Name Song, Joongi Education PhD, Economics Research Areas Industrial & Financial Economics
Journal / Article Publications The Effects of Family Ownership and Management on Agency Cost / Journal of Busiess Research
The Effects of Family Ownership and Management on Company Performance / Journal of CEO and Management Studies
Professors Information
Name Kim, Hoon Education Ph.d in Marketing Research Areas Marketing Strategy, Cross-Cultural Study, International Marketing(COO), Marketing Case Writing, City Marketing
Journal / Article Publications A Comparative Study on Lifestyle of Chinese Consumers among Ethnic group: focusing on 5 ethnic groups / Journal of Marketing Management
The Influence of Marketing Capabilities from Knowledge Creation Perspective and the Moderating Effect of Strategic Orientation on Firm’s Performance / INFORMS Marketing Science Conference
Professors Information
Name Kim, Gye Soo Education Ph.d in Operation Management and Quantitative Management Research Areas
Journal / Article Publications -Social Network Analysis and Visualization with R,International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 2017.05.
-The Impact of Founder's Mentality on Firms’ Business Performance, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 2017.04.
-Customer Oriented Web Application Development Strategy, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 2017.03.
-Relationship between the Country-of-Origin and Quality Performance, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 2017.02.
-Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): An application in Customer Satisfaction Model, IJUNESST Journal, 2016.04.
-A study on the relationship of contact service employee’s attitude and emotional intelligence to coping strategy and service performance, INFORMATION-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2014.12.
Professors Information
Name Kwak, Jiyoung Education PhD,Business Administration Research Areas Financial Accounting, Tax Accounting, Disclosure, Corporate Governance, CSR
Journal / Article Publications The Revenue Contribution of Meals & Entertainment Expenditure of Tax-Excessive Consumptions concerning Internal Revenue Transactions / Korean Journal of Taxation Research
Innovative Activities and KPI Impact on the KOSDAQ IT Firm Value - Accounting Perspective / Indian Journal of Science & Technology
Professors Information
Name Park, Youngbae Education ph.D, Business Administration Research Areas Human Resource Management & Organization Theory
Journal / Article Publications The Effect of Work Values and Leadership Style on Job Satisfaction of the Employees / Korean Management Review
A Study on the Effect of the Learning Orientation on the Organizational Performance and the Moderating Effect of Contingent Variables / The Korean Personnel Admlnistration Journal