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No.1 for Student Experience Semyung Univ.

본문 시작

Exchange Academics

Exchange with overseas institutions - 99 educational institutions from 13 countries and 2 cities and government

  • China - Harbin University of Chinese Medicine and 64 education institutes and 2 city governments
  • U.S. - Washington University (on the East Coast) and 4 other universities
  • Russia - East Siberian State Academy of Culture and Arts and 7 other universities
  • Australia - Newcastle University and 2 other universities
  • Japan - Kyoto Gakuen University and 4 other universities
  • Taiwan - Ming Chuan University
  • Canada - The University of British Columbia
  • Malaysia - Universiti Kuala Lumpur and 2 other universities
  • UK - College of Wooster
  • Philippines - Enderun College
  • New Zealand - Waikato Institute of Technology
  • Indonesia - UNAS
  • Mongolia - Etugen University and 1 other university학

Exchange between domestic universities - 23 universities

Chungbuk National University and 22 others

Exchange between industry, public office, research, and academics

스크롤 표시 이미지
Exchange between industry, public office, research, and academics
Exchange between industry, public office, research, and academics.
Classification public office business and industry research institutes other total
number of institutions contracted with 4 244 5 14 267